Sunday, July 23, 2006

"Bush must be thinkin' of committing crimes against humanity ... I guess."

That was rory's answer to the question someone posed to me over a cup of coffee a few years back when Bush decided to back out of participation in and avoid the reach of the International Criminal Court that has jurisdiction over war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. rory made one of those cynical statements that back in the day he maybe only half believed when he said it 'cause it just seemed too fucked up.

oh, fuckin' A georgie porgie.

Here's a little bit about the Court, from Human Rights Watch:

[roryz note: Note that Iraq (i.e. Iraq under Saddam), Israel, and the United States were among the tiny minority that refused to sign on. Again, why the fuck would you refuse to submit to a tribunal of laws from which you have nothing to fear unless you commit crimes against humanity, genocide, or war crimes? Bingo! I think we all know the frickin' answer, now, don't we? And it ain't no joke. No cynical throwaway comment. Just the truth revealed by that history makin' pseudo-cowboy in the frickin' whitehouse, his former asshole buddy saddam, and his current asshole buddy, Ehud Olmert.]

okay, so HERE'S that little bit from Human Rights Watch:

"At the end of the bloodiest century in human history, the international community adopted a treaty creating the world's first independent and permanent International Criminal Court. That court is now a reality. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is able to investigate and prosecute those individuals accused of crimes against humanity, genocide, and crimes of war. The ICC complements existing national judicial systems and will step in only if national courts are unwilling or unable to investigate or prosecute such crimes. The ICC will also help defend the rights of those, such as women and children, who have often had little recourse to justice.

The Statute outlining the creation of the court was adopted at an international conference in Rome on July 17, 1998. After 5 weeks of intense negotiations, 120 countries voted to adopt the treaty. Only seven countries voted against it (including China, Israel, Iraq, and the United States) and 21 abstained. 139 states signed the treaty by the 31 December 2000 deadline. 66 countries — 6 more than the threshold needed to establish the court — ratified the treaty on 11 April 2002. This meant that the ICC's jurisdiction commenced on July 1, 2002. From February 3 - 7, 2003, the court's Assembly of States Parties — the ICC's governing body — elected the court's first 18 judges. The resulting high quality and diverse judicial bench (the judges include 7 women and represent all the regions of the world) were sworn into office on March 11 in The Hague, the seat of the court. On April 21, 2003, the Assembly of States Parties elected the chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, best known for his role as deputy prosecutor in the trials of Argentina's former military junta in the 1980s."

well, fuckit, who needs a stinkin' human rights tribunal when you've got "fundamental american morals" to guide you, to quote dub, or in other cases, such as that of Ehud the Executioner, "fundamental israeli morals?"

recall that the smarmy, sanctimonious killer-klown-in-chief recently spoke about "fundamental american morals" when he speechified and photo-opped with former blastulas at the white house to celebrate his courageous veto of stem cell research. Here's a little bit of the speech of which he is right fuckin' proud and a picture of him holding up a former cell clump, also known as a child, to some, and to still others as an ex-blastula.

w holds up a former blastula:

w: waxes sanctimonious about former blastulas:

"These boys and girls are not spare parts. (Applause.) They remind us of what is lost when embryos are destroyed in the name of research. They remind us that we all begin our lives as a small collection of cells. And they remind us that in our zeal for new treatments and cures, America must never abandon our fundamental morals," w said.

dub, was this child no better than a "spare part?"

dub, does this remind you of what is lost when an embryo is destroyed in the name of research?

dub, does this remind you that you began his life as a small collection of cells?

dub, does this remind you that must never abandon your fundamental values?

guess what you insincere, sanctimonious peckerhead? children are wise in simple ways sometimes. this one speaks for all the children of the world. this one has both sensed and revealed the vile spirit of the heartless war criminal. this one has SEEN you and reminded us of what has been lost, what has been destroyed, by you in your zeal with your fucking fundamental values:

and by the way dub, you ain't the first to believe that you could sow the seeds of death and never face judgment before an international tribunal, are you now?

president peckerwood’s sanctimonious stem cell speech

human rights watch on international criminal court

Are recent atrocities in Iraq attributed to new 'this-war-is-nasty-endless-bullshit-so-we-don't-give-a-shit-if-you-are-criminal-scum' recruitment?

Or are there too many "perfect" soldiers?

when ya clickituptasize ya see that the caption reads: "Army Medical Examiner. 'At last a perfect soldier!'" cartoon appeared in The Masses, 1916.

well rory read about a good soldier (ain't no such thing as 'perfection' in a nekked ape) today in the New York frickin' Times. a man who ain't gonna shoot unarmed civilians and then cry "I vass only following orderz." hell no, he ain't even gonna go. rory salutes 1st Lt. Ehren Watada, a brave man of honor. Watada is one of the troops. Story has been out on the blogs for awhile, but now its hittin' the main mainstream. rory sez: fuck the dirty war. fuck bush. fuck cheney. fuck condi. fuck colin for being a fucking coward after all and doing w's lying for him. fuck rumbo. fuck the nsa. fuck the killers of children. fuck the givers of orders to kill all men of military age. fuck the takers of illegal orders. fuck war criminals. long live watada bravest of all the aforementioned for sure. support the vast majority of the troops who are just getting fucked in the ass. support the troops who support the right to dissent. support the troops who do in fact dissent. support the conscientious objectors. support the fucking bill of rights. support the makers of magnetic ribbons with support messages on them. support sanity. support thought. support your local sheriff. support balls. support breasts. support stockings. and "hey W SUPPORT THIS!"

Saturday, July 22, 2006


perhaps a handful of the rory-reading handful will recall the previous bush-merkel post that exposed w lusting after german chancellor merkel after he "glimpsed her soul" and revealed that the first fuckwad fully expected to get lucky during his german visit. well the ugly happened and rory is frickin' here to tell you about it.

but first, letz visit the frickin' shoulder-rub issue. a number of bloggers have posted about bush's uncontrolled urge to touch angela acted out at G-8. out of context, it just looks like an asinine unwanted touching. well, it was an unwanted touching, well, okay, it's also asinine. but you gotta understand the context. rory's gonna give ya the context. but maybe you should watch the video of the shoulder rub first, so you understand. it'll put the context in frickin' context. so here's a link to bluegalinaredstate where you can watchit. then come back for the frickin' truth about the pathetic primate peace-making gestures of the most destructive naked ape on this spinnin' rock.


The most flatulent president in history arrived for his recent visit with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany full of hope and methane.

After a briefing on Israeli bombings, w bears down while hoping to take advantage of nearly ideal men's room acoustics while standing before a urinal in a Bavarian men's room:

recall from evidence revealed in rory's previous post on them, bush and merkel have been lusting madly after each other, their libidos engorged by the aphrodisiac of power and privilege.

Things were looking good. Angela was jolly and playful. She adored George's fratboy playfulness as the day unfolded. George goes oral on an invisible herring. what a fuckin' cutup. how could any woman resist?

Ah, yes, Angela anticipated a grand old time herself.

And she wasn't shy about letting georgie porgie know.

if ya frickin' know what i mean.

w had many chances to amuse angela. he has just told her, "we used to call this the "A-B" for "anal blowtorch" when I was at yale," as he prepares to 'light a fart' with a candle in a cathedral. Laura, however, has seen the stunt one too many times and takes advantage of her complete lack of honest affect to hide her deeply buried disgust.

earlier, as an esteemed historian gave tour of the cathedral, georgie porgie released his infamous "screaming mouse" fart and angela marveled at the aftermath.

later, after a quick mention of beer and brats, w took advantage of leather-chair acoustics.

porgie speechified, mainly thinking that he looked and sounded cool for angela. however, he had a bad few seconds as he froze, as shown in this photo. his SAPS (spontaneously acquired paralytic syndrome) kicked in due to his overstimulation and he froze like a robot losing power. some say a secret service man presses a button labeled "reset" to bring him back to life, raising a question of whether this a syndrome is a pathology or a malfunctioning electronic device issue. but fact is, a frickin' loud handclap brings him "back" on like a cheap lamp. angela knows this as rory noted in the previous bush/merkel post. you can see her preparing to "bring him back."

ah yes, as the day wore on they had fun and anticpation intensified.

if ya know what rory meanz

although porgie's fantasy depicted immediately above was not to be the scenario. ya see angela is into a whole dark germanic zombie-sex kinda scene, according the flyonthewall.

oh fly, oh beautiful intergalactic traveler for truth! where the frick would rory be without you?

check out this frickin' image telepathically transferred to rory's hard drive by fly. it shows angela putting the devil's cowl over georgie porgie just before love play is to begin in earnest. oh porgie! oh angela! if you had known there was a flyonthewall would you have even cared at that point?

ah, rory, don't get frickin' ahead of yourself. earlier in the day, instincts excited, angela and porgie hacked off chunks of pig flesh charred like the remains-of-lebanese-children-cooked-by-american-bombs-delivered-by-israelis. with reckless abandon and strong appetite the powerful pair hacked and chewed as admiring german men in green hats and others in lederhosen (not pictured) watched with fascination.

angela made playful comments about the president's piece of pork.

throughout the day, angela cared not what the wagging tongues said about her plans for fun with porgie.

nor did porgy give a rat's ass. why porgie cared what people thought about as much as he gives a shit about world opinion or the position of his citizens on iraq or lebanon. proud to display his piece of pork to angela, porgie was.

later, she complained that it didn't feel like much more than he had on his fork

like his brutality, porgie's ability to disappoint the leaders of the frickin' freeworld knows no bounds. you see, all of this happened before the frickin' should-rub incident. now angela's reaction makes a little more frickin' sense don't it? georgie porgie, frickin' puddin' and pie.

big frickin' surprise, huh? things turned out badly on porgie's watch AGAIN. no exit strategy? he fershure didn't plan that far. fucksakes the 'wad didn't even have a decent entry strategy. according to angel it's so fuckin' bad that:

Sunday, July 16, 2006

rory turns art critic and discusses the important 20th century work known entitled "McNipple"

why has this work been neglected by art critics? this is important art, nonverbally capturing important aspects of modern amerikan culture. mcnipple is a frickin' masterpiece.

first let me say that the rumor (started by rory himself) that first lady laura bush was as much a model for this piece as ronald mcdonald himself is no doubt false. but I can see why I started the rumor. if for no other reason, it's the frickin' hair. the kevlar-helmet, ronald-doo.

is not the first lady clown-like? her facial expressions are untrue, her affect seemingly disconnected from reality, facial response severed from stimuli. her visage is painted. her hair is ronaldesque. the clown mother. how frickin' frightening is that?

but the rumor is frickin' false. she did not sit for the artist with bared breasts with the lips of rove at her mime-skinned harlequin dug. no rory just thought mcnipple suggested such a reality.

ronald mcdonald as a woman? or a man? ronald androgynous? ronald asexual? recall that christian clown authorities contend that clowns are indeed asexual. ronald/mcdonald's as surrogate mother of a infant with an older face and hands? a mature baby dependent on garbage culture to stick the teat in its lips, helpless to do anything but suckle at the teat of the great ronald mcdonald?
the mature baby transgendered by hormonal influences of crappy hormone fed beef? does the boy baby have the suggestion of female genitalia in the diaper? is the north american male craze for depilation of the cranium and other areas just the result of marketing or is there an impulse to render the body neonatenous for some other latent reasons and is the baby jesus of this burgerland pieta legitimately interpreted as a comment on this phenomenon, regardless of the artist's intentions? who the frick knows?

rory could go on and on reflecting on this painting. ah, great art'll do that do you. frickin' A.

casey weldon created mcnipple

bush proposes brain rapist for court of appeals and vermont man makes stupidest statement of the week

Enough animals of all species have been senselessly executed on the crucifix of human stupidity! We sure as shit don't need Bush's former DOD counsel William Haynes II in a position to enable more, which is where w wants to put him by nominating him for a federal appellate court position.

Stop Haynes. Haynes sucks. Haynes advocates secret detentions and torture. Haynes was the legal brains behind Abu Ghraib and Gitmo. Bush wants Haynes to be a Federal Appeals Judge.
But Haynes is not only a man responsible for torture and rape and illegal detention. To very frickin' loosely paraphrase Woody Guthrie, some men torture with whips, cattle prods, waterboards, or dogs, others with a fountain pen. This fountain pen wielding scumbag is also a brain rapist. He is willing to fuck logic in the ass to achieve tyranny and destruction in the name of the oil and profit gods worshipped by the present administration. oh yeah. fuck logic in the ass. fuck the world in the ass too. fuck nature in the ass. he certainly isn't averse to fucking birds in the ass, in a manner of speaking. well, the cloaca, to be anatomically correct. here's what rory means. the fuckwad is all about the senseless crucifixion of nonhuman animals.

According the Friends of the Earth the attempt at brain rape went somethin' like this:

'Seeking an exemption from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in order to enable the military to resume bombing on a remote Pacific island as part of live-fire training exercises, Haynes prepared a legal brief arguing that even though the island is an important nesting site for such migratory birds as great frigate birds, red-footed boobies and Pacific golden plovers, bird lovers should have no problem with the bombing.
Indeed, argued the Haynes brief, conservationists would actually benefit from the destruction of such birds, because it makes the birds rarer - and "bird watchers get more enjoyment spotting a rare bird than they do spotting a common one." Moreover, Haynes noted, the bombing is good for the birds, too - because it keeps the island free of other "human intrusion."'

"bombing is good for them!" that seems to be a tenet of the bush administration. and the rarity argument? delusional. psychotic. let the fucking extirpation programs begin, because it will be so much more exciting to observe fewer and fewer specimens of more and more rare species! after all human entertainment is the only purpose of wildlife. Haynes, bush, cheney, rumbo: madmen, fuckwads, mad fuckwads. Here's one of those "take action" links to email opposition to this mad fuckwad rising to the bench of an important Federal Court where he would no doubt do his best to hand as much power to the torturers, profiteers, and earth rapists.

But here's another likely frickin' candidate for a position in the w administration who opened his ignurnt pie hole up in Vermont for a New York Times article. Another advocate of using explosives on natural beauty based upon a sick, twisted, pathologically humanocentric and moronic view of things. Dude named Wagg. Name means "a fanning motion by an appendage located just above the anus of canis familiaris." Seems that the Huntington River Gorge in Vermont, a place of beauty, has been the death of 20 people in the last 40 years. As in many river gorges, after the snow melt or heavy rains, the waters within the Huntington River Gorge get a little wild.

Humans can get swept over falls, held under, and drowned. The solution? Fuck education of people who occasionally insist on doing something really fucking dangerous and stupid like jumping into cold, raging waters. Nope. The best solution, according to Wagg, is to blow up the fucking Gorge. "Take it out." Retaliate mercilously. Defend human life. Blow the ever-lovin' crap outta that there Gorge just like Israel's blowin' the crap outta Lebanon. Damn Gorge is is a terrorist. Amurikin fuckin' solution: "Hmmmm. Problem? Hmmm. Blow it the fuck up. That's what yuh doo. Yep. Blow it up. Solve every damn problem. Why yuh could even nukeit, if need be." Here's how the July 16 New York Times article presented Wagg's position:

'Jeff Wagg of Richmond ... thinks that the gorge should be destroyed, or at least that some of the more dangerous parts should be blasted out, as they were in the 1970’s after a state police officer died there while trying to retrieve a body.

“My take on it is that what’s attractive about the place is its beauty. That’s also its problem,” Mr. Wagg said. “So I think it should be considered that if human life is the most important thing here, it’s worth considering taking out the beauty.”'

"Taking out the beauty." Does this guy already have a position in the Bush administration? If not, roryz sure they'll be callin' him, perhaps for a job in the Department of Interior. by the way Jeff, did you know that the Atlantic Ocean took scores of lives last year alone? Maybe we should take it out. drain that fucker. And that Everest. People regularly die there trying to climb it. it's the height that's attractive. maybe we should consider knocking 10,000 feet off the top. holy fucking shit. gotta spell it all the way out on this one. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! this dude fershure wins the dumbest fucking thing said this week award. and he ain't even a candidate for the learned position of bush-appointed federal judge. dang.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


rory was at it again this week. looking for rattlers, that is! both those with a transmitter and those heretofore "undiscovered" by humanoid. found this one in the classic i'mawaitin'forarodent ambush position on a log. lookit the raindrops on his scales. been a wet humid, and hot, week, soakin' rory with sweat, makin' hiz pack stinky, his clothing feel as convenient as a jumpsuit made of warm wet wallpaper, and the damn chiggers consuming the flesh 'round his ankles even more irritating. but then, it's all worth it when you see a thing of beauty. and your sweat reminds you it's good to be alive. and to appreciate the simple things. like water.

I know. not everyone thinks rattlers in particular or snakes in general are things of beauty. for some the addition of legs to the critter makes all the difference. some who are repelled by snakes find lizards cute. while writing notes about a snake found near a proposed development area, rory saw this pretty adult five-lined skink darting about a nearby rock, seemingly foraging for insects or arachnids. see 'em frequently. hardly ever get a good shot at 'em with the camera. she's pretty rory thinkz:

maybe even more people like dragonflies. even people who hate insects generally. dragonfly jewelry. dragonfly prints. dragonflies in songs of ziggy marley. dragonflies are "pretty." I agree. just that I find alot of other insects beautiful, if not pretty, as well. but we'll get to that, kinda. so rory came upon this newly emerged dragonfly on a mossy trail. wings still wet and somewhat limp. helpless insect unable to escape rory's lens.

not to far from the dragonfly, rory came across this beetle. apparently a female stuffed with eggs to the point that her carapace looks like the shrunken vest of an obese biker, more bib than abdomen- or belly-cover. oh coleopterists out there: what species is this? my daughter advises it looks like a scarab ... of which there are thousands of species. scarabaeidae. dung eaters. coprophilous critters. oh female of distended abdomen walking the woodland floor, were you in search of "the right shit" when rory distracted you for a moment to record your image? a worthy quest as noble as any search for the holy grail.

is she not beautiful? roryz person on the street survey, however, had her physical beauty rated well below that of the dragonfly. should she consider cosmetic surgery? makeup? rory could have captured her and painted her with shiny metallic, colorful paints and photographed her. perhaps clothed her swollen abdomen with a lovely printed sarong. painted her mandibles ruby red. inserted some thorax implants? would she have been beautiful then? or is there more to beauty than the human-visual-culturally-constructed-vision-of-beauty-of-the-day? scarabs. dung collecters. holy rollers of the shitball. sacred to the egyptians. is this not beauty?

According the Corning Museum: "The scarab rolls dung into pills, buries them in the earth, and thereby provides nutrition for its larvae. The fact that something as inferior as dung gives life to this beautiful beetle made the scarab an ideal representation of Khepri, god of the rising sun, rebirth, and transformation. “Khepri” means both “scarab” and “he who becomes.”"

so the scarab beetle exhorts its young

better than the "EAT SHIT AND DIE!" motto of the bush administration. w the man who wanks while baghdad and beirut burn.

now a short digression on a side-loop trail that will return to the path of this post, kinda: you know the late pope actually believed that the reason his spine became parallel to the ground in his old age was that he had excessively pumped the pre-papal python as a youth? rory shitz you not. imagine a huge organization that has as one of its tenets a great deal of anti-masturbation rules, regulations, commentary, and scholarly works. laughable, yet scary. oh, yes, they take their bishop-bashing seriously. same organization along with others of its ilk is behind the anti-gay marriage constitutional amendment movement sweeping amerika. first of all why the fuck do people think this something for "legislative" action? second of all, why the fuck do people think this is something for a constitutional amendment? third of all why do people give a shit what other people do in the privacy of their bedrooms? ignurnce on so many frickin' levels. a constitution is an overarching, guidelining kinda document, ain't it? by frickin' definition. if every time some piece of legislation were declared unconstitutional, fuckwads in legislatures spent their time trying to come up with a specific amendment to overturn one ruling and enact one law, well, they wouldn't have time to entertain lobbyists or pass lameass idiotic jingoistic bush jerkin' resolutions in support of ill-fated ill-conceived wars ... uh, hmm ... okay ... so maybe we should encourage 'em to work on ridiculously specific constitutional amendments, like the anti-gay amendments, or the anti-flag burning amendments, or ... the anti-masturbation amendment. you know the one that reads just like the Vatican's law: "Sex is defined as the act of coitus between a man and a woman united in holy marriage for the sole purpose of producing more human offspring than the world can sustain. Masturbation has never been formally recognized as a legitimate form of sex under the judeo-christian traditon of America. Indeed masturbation has long been held to be harmful to the physical and moral being of humankind. Wherefore, any act of masturbation, or other manner of self-stimulation for purposes of sexual gratification, whether unilateral or mutual, is not constitutionally protected."

Oh, the Senators can get behind this one. Why, jerkin' the gherkin can be addicting, they might point out. "Let the heathens spill theirs on the dusty ground," we can almost hear them say. And to think that Father Hardon is a moderate on the subject of five-fingered solitaire, willing to at least mitigate culpability!

why the masturbation-cure industry could experience a renaissance! which reminds me of a page in an old book I found in a flea market in Kansas years ago. book is entitled "The People's Medical Advisor" and was published in 1918. worth at least a post in and of itself. even on the subject of weasel-workin' alone. gotta wonder since the catholic catechism is pretty much the same now as it was in 1918, how many people still believe this type of shit. you might have to click up the image to read that the nut on the right was "wasted by masturbation":

wait! what is it? poll results just in! 39% of the world's population believes that wanking can waste the balls! percentage higher among fundies of all stripes! rory's medical advisor states that twisted beliefs about self-play can result in excessive, uncontrollable nocturnal missile launches, suicide bombings, indifference to civilian deaths, and in extreme cases, rape of entire countries by overwhelming military force. (less has been written on the subject of the ill effects of female self-help it seems, again, the social and cultural ramifications of which are subject for a post itself, no doubt).

Oh, Dr. Jocelyn Elders, surgeon general under wild bill clinton, advocate of therapeutic self-stimulation, casualty of the amazingly powerful anti-selfpleasuring movement, would that your message had been spread rather than suppressed! Damnable casualty of wankgate! Oh, yes the anti-manual forces are powerful. powerful and dark. powerful, dark and ruthless. the surgeon general was purged from the clinton administration for the sin of open discussion of self-pleasuring and the denial that it is a sin or unhealthy or more dangerous than our constitutionally protected godgiven american right to bear arms and mindlessly blast the everlovin' crap out of beautiful creatures that do us no harm, such as coyotes, for frickin' example.

one can imagine the subsequent interviews of surgeons general. "Where do you stand on jacking off, self-diddling, solo dildo use, or lone rubbing? Will you sign this oath to never discuss, advocate, or suggest that masturbation does not cause grievous harm to the individual performing this pathological action? Do you agree with the teachings of Claude Lallemand, the 19th Century physician who maintained that autoerotic activity has these effects: "All sensations decrease, sight is endangered, and the mind is threatened, and the usual result is idiocy and death."

which brings me back to the other subject at hand. nature photos declared obscene, that is. well, here's the tie-in. A priest of germanic descent, I suppose, but a true american catholic, name of Irwin Spankmeister, rory shitz you not, whats-in-a-name-anyway, would lead wayward youths to his garden at the appropriate time of year, where a fungus would grow up. some call it dog penis or dog dick fungus. some say it's one of the stinkhorns, for it smells foul, attracting flies that spread its spores. oh, but father spankmeister used to call it by a variant of its more medieval name: "devil's dong." some say it's the devil's "doohickey." And he would tell lads that if they pleasured themselves the lord might render their thing like the devil's dong in color, size, overall appearance, smell, and attrativeness to flies. Oh what an educator of youth the priest was! well rory came across the infamous dog penis fungus during this week's woodland perambulations and got a couple of shots of it.

view from the right:

view from the left:

jesus christ on crutches spankmeister! it's just a fuckin' mushroom! it's not a visual aid in the war against wanking! and it's got a beautiful color. tweaks the mind when you come upon it in the woods. hey, flies like it. a thing of beauty in its own way even. rory also heard, from flyonthewall, that the secret service is still searching for a paranoid schizophrenic man who publicly put a curse on the firstfuckwad's dong shouting out his wishes that it turn into the infamous devil's doohickey! speakin' of which, whatever happened to that poor bastard who got arrested for wanting to lop the presidential marble bag? oh the world of nekked apes is indeed a funny one! and yet, given the news of the past year, none of this surprises rory in the least. and all of which confirms that the bush administration is a lot like the traditional catholic contentions regarding masturbation: the results are idiocy and death.


For those who might not remember threat-on-the-presidential-marble-pouch-incident here's a link to roryz post on it. bush's scrotum declared safe from wishes of indicted mental patient; elderly woman praying for cheney's pecker to fall off to be indicted next rory plans to attempt to locate and interview the alleged perpetrator of this insidious plot. if anyone has his current address, please advise.