Bush Bullshits the Nation Again With Health Savings Account Scam: Health Care Exec. Rakes in $58,000,000 Heading Company Using the Scam per AFL-CIO

Bush in his own words; "First, it is a part of our drive to make health care more consumer-driven. There's two components to a health savings account; one is low-cost catastrophic insurance coverage, and a tax-free health savings account. Those are the two components of what I'm talking about. Catastrophic coverage protects you and the family in the event of devastating medical illness -- if you're really sick, a catastrophic plan kicks in."
Allow Rory to raise a couple of points: "Low-cost" for whom? The insurance companies of course. This Health Savings Account (HSA) shit is high-deductible coverage. Some deductibles may be as high as $10,000, according to the AFL-CIO. The "consumer" also known as "the fuckee" by the joint Insurance Industry/bushcheneygovernment/fascist/rapethepeople task force (IIBFRTF) pays the deductible out of his so-called health savings account. And it ain't free. The fuckee still gets to pay a premium.

The HSA allows a variety of financial industry profiteers to get their hooks into yet more of the suffering workers' money as they profit from holding it, investing it, etc. It's only tax free so long as it stays in the account and is used to pay the insurance companies their extortionate deductibles when the time comes or if it's used for routine medical care What a deal. "Consumer driven?" How about "consumer driven to despair" ... that'll be the recurring headline.
So, here's an example of how it will work. Joe and Josephine low wage workers are a little short of money for food and rent most months. Thus, they have a balance of $12.00 in their HSA, after 2 years. Their deductible for "catastrophe" is $10,000. In the meantime, they don't have what the scammers define as a "catastrophe" just some relatively serious health problems, so they pay all their medical bills out of pocket, with a big $12.00 infusion of cash from the HSA. In addition let's not forget that they pay an exorbitant premium for their catastrophic medical coverage. Wow, President Bush, thanks a fuckin' lot. Thank god people are gonna have insurance coverage.
To make matters even worse, Fly-On-the-Wall was privy to administration/insurance co. discussions about a new scam involving what will be called "Consumer-Driven-Custom-Coverage." For example, one could elect thorax-only coverage with a high dedcutible for a premium of $312.00 per month.

The president is already preparing a speech on this one planned for McDonald's Headquarters next month. From his speech: "You might have a -- er a heart problem --- you know like the Vice President does, but you've got a good brain, maybe good feet and all, so you might elect to just have thorass, thoraxe, er chest-type coverage with a high-deductible. This type of flexibility is what is needed to keep the industry strong in a changing economy ... to allow them to bring coverage to more and more people. Or maybe you've got something wrong with a colon too.

Well the truth of the matter is, once again the Insurance Industry/bushcheney is asking the people who can afford it least to take it hard, painfully, and sans lube, right up the ass. More and more CEO's are gonna be making $58,000,000 or more and more and more people are gonna become poor. And more and more people are gonna die without good medical care sooner and more painfully than they have to. And in the meantime, will we be driven to the brink of madness by the pathological lies and heavy duty smoke force-blown up our collective ass by our executive branch on almost every topic they yap about? For the truth and some real facts about this HSA horseshit wrtten in a no-bullshit way, Rory Recommends:
Finally, about that dude in the headline: In 2004, William W. McGuire raked in $58,784,102 in total compensation including stock option grants from United Health Group Inc. From previous years' stock option grants in United Health Group Inc. he cashed out $114,552,832. He has another $139,598,622 in unexercised stock options from previous years. United Health Group uses the Health Savings Account scam as it proudly describes on its web site.
Indeed, they list it prominently on the page describing their "innovations." In their own proud, consumer-hosing words they describe their activities as fuckor, in this field:
"UnitedHealth Group launches iPlanĀ® HSA, a product that integrates a high-deductible health plan with a health savings account, for employer groups. The product is offered through the company's UnitedHealthcare and Uniprise businesses. Golden Rule, a subsidiary of UnitedHealthcare, offers HSAs to individuals."
Well friends, while we were asleep the golden rulers were thinking of new ways to hose us. Another one in the form of the HSA floats to the surface of Bush's recent oratory like a large, rank turd. And Rory has been forced to stifle the gag reflex and examine it. May this scam go down the great cosmic shitter of justice before it kills too many undeserving people.
The upside is, now that Bush is traveling around the country trying to sell this piece of crap, it shouldn't take long for it to go down in flames. Remember what happened when he took his Social Security Privatization plan on the road? They seem to be forgetting their own golden rule, govern in secret and don't bother informing the public.
Yeah, one can hope that he'll help kill this one ... although as noted, some of the insurance bastards have already implemented it and since this is an area that is already "privatized" it is harder for opponents to get a handle on it ... but if anybody can fuck something up it certainly is the bushman
Hmmm. Consumer driven medical insurance; might be interesting. I mean, we could have fad diseases that would come and go and they could drum up business for celeb disorders only. We could start the year by picking out the diseases and accidents we are hoping to achieve. What fun - not. Something seems to be scewed on the comment page.
designer diseases to fit the designer drugs ... then the insurance co's would really know what to avoid covering ...
Great post- I will have to link to it- as it takes off where my little MVP ost began- you have indeed opened up the entire can of worms...It is ugly isn't it...
( BTW you are added to my Blogroll- I put you between the Heretik and Guerilla Women....hope that is a good spot for you...)
fade: very lovely comment ... thanks
thanks enigma ... I had this piece kickin' in the head and then I read your piece which I think rocks and has its own perspective and insights coming from your body of knowledge and experiences and your piece made this one precipitate out of me head so to speak ... blogenergy rockin on ... and thank ye fer dat
I love your writing style and think you make excellent points with humor although they are certainly not so funny. I agree with you on this- not good. And what of preventive medicine? What of the wholistic perspective? Selective body parts, eh? LOL.
See you tomorrow, RORYSHOCK.
"Colon Control", eh? Remember those old SNL mock ads for "Colon Blow" and "Super Colon Blow"? I think that's what we're seeing right here. Excellent post, Rory.
united health care is down the street from where i work. as a matter of fact, since i work in the insurance capital of the cosmos, lots of insurance companies are down the street from where i work. mmmmmm i too work at one (but NOT health mind you). i have friends at uhc and even THEY say they are provided with shitty health/medical coverage on themselves. you can bet the ceos and the like are covered up the ying-yang.
fosco: aflcio is still one at least at their web site?
Neil ... yep, and thanks
Rose ... hey when your take home is 58,000,000 who needs it anyway ...! So you are close to the evil empire!
yes i am very close to the evil empire. i am surrounded literally.
even two years after my mothers death, i was getting bills from doctors that her insurance was responsible for. i had to write letters to doctors, hospitals, INSURANCE COMPANIES, calls to all of the aforementioned. my time spent gatering data and sending it here and there. i knew what i was doing, eventually insurance paid. what happens to those that DON'T know what all of that double talk means?
Rose: they die, go mad, go broke, stay angry, become bitter, renounce life, get drunk, be mean ... lose it at the post office ... do that life of quiet desperation think and stay confused and feeling violated ... I don't know but it can't be good? ... they live life as just another "serviced" ... "consumer"
Great post and 100% true. My significant other is employed by UHC here in Columbus and they introduced that iPlan crap for the employees a couple of years ago. Since she's an employee, however, the iPlan we are on includes a $1200 dollar a year grant into the HSA by United Health. What really bothers me about the plan is
a. we are still spending some $140 a month to participate in the plan (which believe me is a bargain compared to what a non-UHC employee will have to pay for UHC Family coverage).
b. So if we rack up more than $1200 going to the doctor or hospital, we have to pay into a $6000 deductable before the insurance will kick in %80 of costs.
c. If I had $6000 floating around that I could pay into the deductable, why the hell would I need insurance? If the deductable is so high, why charge a monthly premium? Seems like someone's getting hosed here...
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