while senators called for abolition of fema and creation of a bureaucracy with a different name there has been an agency coup: FEMA has been abolished
Just as he was away reading a story to chldren in a school on 9/11, the president was conveniently out of town. This time he was in New Orleans for a ludicrous photo opportunity in which he insulted the intelligence of nearly 3 quarters of North America by pretending to assist in the building of a house:
We all know that FEMA has pissed off many powerful people. No not him:
one of the real powers behind the coup and a possible explanation for why he was pissed off:
while the nation was listening to the sideshow from the senate about abolition of fema, there was an agency coup, perhaps the first complete violent overthrow of just one US government bureaucracy in history. nevertherless, this was not the first coup within the US government during the w years. as we know various parts of the judicial system have been abolished, such as those requiring hearings, notice, warrants, etc., in many cases. abolishing fema without waiting for congress is no frickin' biggie. fema will be operated by a consortium of private contractors led by Jerkwater Security Associates, a leading mercenary corporation, and a disney subsidiary. FEMA employees were completely taken by surprise. Many thought they were being paid a visit of appreciation at first. But this was to be no lameass morale booster this time.
The gas mask designed by Walt Disney has been adopted as the official gas mask of the new agency, Homeland Executive Response and Preparedness Emergency Services (HERPES).
this has been a test of the emergency broadcasting system. had this been a real agency coup, well, that would've been frickin' amazing.
We all know that FEMA has pissed off many powerful people. No not him:
one of the real powers behind the coup and a possible explanation for why he was pissed off:
while the nation was listening to the sideshow from the senate about abolition of fema, there was an agency coup, perhaps the first complete violent overthrow of just one US government bureaucracy in history. nevertherless, this was not the first coup within the US government during the w years. as we know various parts of the judicial system have been abolished, such as those requiring hearings, notice, warrants, etc., in many cases. abolishing fema without waiting for congress is no frickin' biggie. fema will be operated by a consortium of private contractors led by Jerkwater Security Associates, a leading mercenary corporation, and a disney subsidiary. FEMA employees were completely taken by surprise. Many thought they were being paid a visit of appreciation at first. But this was to be no lameass morale booster this time.
The gas mask designed by Walt Disney has been adopted as the official gas mask of the new agency, Homeland Executive Response and Preparedness Emergency Services (HERPES).
this has been a test of the emergency broadcasting system. had this been a real agency coup, well, that would've been frickin' amazing.