Saturday, January 28, 2006

Submit to a cavity search? "By all means go ahead," respond many, particularly if the "war on terror" is mentioned!

✓ 38.2% Surveyed would gladly submit to Rectal searches if President Bush said it would make them safer.

Graphic submitted to Bush administration by private Homeland Security Consultant Reckton Group, Ltd.:

Heard on the Street recently:

Homie Security Cop: Excuse me sir, would you mind if I look in your rectum?
Joe Citizen: Yes Actually I would!
Homie Security Cop: Well, if you have nothing to hide, why would you refuse permission? We are fighting a different kind of enemy and I'm just trying to keep everyone safe and free. You don't object to that do you?
Joe Citizen: Well, since you put it that way, I guess you better have a look.

Tell me it isn't so!

38.2% of American Fast Food Customers would willingly submit to a cavity search if President Bush said it would make them safer from terrorism. A person on the street survey revealed this startling statistic recently. 16.8% surveyed had no knowledge or opinion on what a cavity search is, in most instances simply asking "What?" in response to questions. 7% of survey participants made comments related to dental examinations. Secret NSA Director Rear Admiral Charles "Chilito" Numnutz is reported by one of Flyonthewall's operatives to have said, "These numbers are a little disturbing. Apparently people aren't scared enough yet. We need to get a solid majority ready to bend over and spread 'em in the name of freedom." Numnutz did, however, recommend rejection of the above freedom-anus poster design.

The above appeared on A couple weeks later the news broke on CBS and other Crass Media outlets that about half of the American people approve of the President's domestic spying program after listening to his unconvincing blather and propaganda campaign. The good thing is that about half of the people know that he is full of shit, that domestic spying is not making anyone safer, and that W should not determine the meaning of the Constitution, according to what is convenient for him. Nevertheless the number of fascists in government who argue that is precisely what he should be allowed has grown recently.

  • Media Matters Site has info about these polls and the Crass Media

    Blogger Rory Shock said...

    Thanks Rebecca. Why, I just woke up thinking about tshirts, funny you should mention that ... yes ... the Holy Shit stuff that is at cafe press right now was honestly put there as an educational effort on my part about that site and how to use it ... but if I were buying a tshirt, I might go for some of the other stuff Rory is coming up with first ... well, I'm gonna be busy ... anyhow ... it stoked me to get your comment and I dig your pov and your blog ...

    1:28 AM  

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